Journal articles: 'Eponim' – Grafiati (2024)

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Author: Grafiati

Published: 24 April 2022

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Al Abou, Khalid. "Hideko Kamino and the eponym linked to her name / Hideko Kamino i eponim vezan za njeno ime." Serbian Journal of Dermatology and Venerology 3, no.3 (August1, 2011): 122–24.

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Abstract In 1979, Kamino and colleagues described pink globules, in the epidermis of Spitz nevi. These globules, later known as Kamino bodies, were PAS-positive, diastase-resistant, and positive on trichrome staining. Their presence does not rule out malignant melanoma completely, but makes it less likely, since similar globules were noted in the epidermis in only 2% of malignant melanomas and 0.9% of ordinary melanocytic nevi. The globules in malignant melanomas and ordinary melanocytic nevi were negative with PAS and trichrome staining. In 2010, Dr. HidekoKamino, received the Walter R. Nickel Award for Excellence in the Teaching of Dermatopathology. This short communication is about Professor Kamino and the dermatopathological condition that bears her name.

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Kereković, Snježana. "Eponimi u jeziku prirodnih i tehničkih znanosti." Rasprave Instituta za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje 45, no.1 (July25, 2019): 135–55.

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Brojni su eponimni nazivi u uporabi u prirodnim i tehničkim znanostima. U radu donosimo kontrastivnu analizu primjera engleskih i hrvatskih eponima koji se upotrebljavaju u tim dvama područjima. Cilj je analize utvrditi razlike između dvaju jezika na ortografskoj, gramatičkoj, sintaktičkoj i semantičkoj razini. Eponime smo prema semantičkome kriteriju podijelili u pet skupina; odabrani su primjeri te klasifikacije također dio kontrastivne analize.

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Jatmiko and Ruly Fauzi. "Tipe Hunian dan Karakteristik Budaya Sampungian di Situs Gua Lawa, Ponorogo." AMERTA 39, no.1 (July13, 2021): 1–16.

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Abstract. Settlement Type and Characteristic of ‘Sampung Culture’ at Lawa Cave Site, Ponorogo. Lawa Cave, located in Sampung (Ponorogo, East Java), is an eponym site for the Sampungian culture. Its status within the cultural framework of the Javanese prehistory remains unclear. This article aims to reveal the type and characteristic of settlement in Lawa Cave, including its position within the historical framework of cave habitation in the archipelago. The descriptive-explanative approach reveals that the distribution of artifacts in Lawa Cave shows a distinctive feature. The bifacial arrowhead reported by Callenfels is associated with bone and pebbles (milling stones) in a relatively thick unit of cultural layer. Based on the emergence of milling stones, the inhabitants of Lawa Cave may have known simple agricultural activities through processing wild plants as their food source. Based on this, Sampungian can be categorized as part of the Para-Neolithic culture, which is also found in several sites in Mainland Southeast Asia. Abstrak. Gua Lawa yang berada di Sampung (Ponorogo, Jawa Timur) merupakan situs eponim bagi budaya Sampungian yang statusnya di dalam kerangka kebudayaan prasejarah Pulau Jawa masih belum jelas. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap tipe hunian dan karakteristik budaya Sampungian di Gua Lawa serta kaitannya dengan sejarah perkembangan hunian gua di Nusantara. Melalui pendekatan deskriptif-eksplanatif terlihat bahwasannya distribusi artefak di Gua Lawa menunjukkan suatu ciri khas tersendiri. Himpunan artefak mata panah bifasial, sebagaimana pertama kali dilaporkan oleh Callenfels, faktanya berasosiasi dengan artefak tulang dan kerakal pada suatu unit lapisan budaya yang cukup tebal. Berdasarkan kemunculan artefak kerakalpenggerus, diperkirakan masyarakat penghuni Gua Lawa telah mengenal aktivitas agrikultur sederhana melalui pengolahan tumbuhan liar tertentu sebagai sumber pangan mereka. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, Sampungian dapat dikategorikan sebagai bagian dari budaya Para-Neolitik yang juga dijumpai pada sejumlah situs di Asia Tenggara Daratan.

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Cinemre, İlhami Tekin. "Geç Antik Çağ Armenia’sında Kimlik Paradigması: Armenialılar Ermeni Midir?*." Belleten 86, no.305 (April1, 2022): 61–88.

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Armenia, tarih boyunca üzerinde yaşayan toplulukların çeşitli geleneklerinden ve coğrafyanın siyasi açıdan getirdiği istikrarsızlıktan ötürü çok farklı etnik kökene ve kültüre ev sahipliği yapmıştır. Fakat bölgenin bu çok kültürlü yapısının genel literatürde derinlemesine irdelenmemesi bölge insanlarının toplu bir bakış açısıyla ve daha çok toponim açıdan Ermeni olarak değerlendirilmeleri sonucunu doğurmuştur. Ne var ki çok dilli ve etnik kökenli Armenia bölgesindeki doğal yaşamın bir parçası olan feodal anlayışı meydana getiren pek çok soylu aile, V. yüzyıldan sonra oluşan antik Ermeni metinlerinde dahi birçok farklı soy hikâyesiyle ilişkilendirilmiştir. Bu bağlamda geç antik çağ boyunca bölge halklarının toponim yerine etnonim olarak incelemeye tabi tutulması, bölgede yaşayan insanların bazılarının Armenialı bazılarının da Ermeni olarak adlandırılabileceğini göstermektedir. Bilhassa eponim adlandırmalar ve köken ilişkisinde Hristiyanlık sonrası Armenia’nın soy arayışının getirdiği kültürel yenileşme de önemli bir yer tutmaktadır. Dolayısıyla bu çalışma, Armenialı olmaktan çıkarak Ermeni adıyla anılan bölge halklarını meydana getiren alt etkenleri, yeni kimliğin üzerine inşa edildiği toplumsal yapıyı ve naxarar olarak adlandırılan soyluların gerçekte hangi kökenlere uzandığını tartışmayı amaçlamaktadır.

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Yermolenko,S.S. "Eponymy and discursive-functional context." Movoznavstvo 317, no.2 (April20, 2021): 19–35.

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In this paper, which continues the series of his previous publications on theoretical and methodological issues in eponymy research, the author argues for the feasibility of the expansion of his three-component parametric model for description and analysis of this class of linguistic entities by adding to its three principal components, relating to the three parts of eponymic derivational relationship, a fourth part dealing with eponymy’s discursive- functional context. It is the author’s contention that the relationship between an eponym and the linguistic and extralinguistic cognitive-communicative environment in which it comes to being and/or occurs is the essential, intrinsic and crucial, rather than fortuitous and inconsequential, feature of the former, which therefore should be taken into account in in-depth research. Accordingly, an initial discursive parameter in this research should be tracing down the occurrence of eponyms in various types of discourse distinguished by their cognitive and communicative-functional characteristics, and so identifying items bound to such varieties as different from general-purpose ones. Next comes finding out the nature of relationship between a discourse variety and an eponym co-occurring in it, in particular, the influence of the former on the semantic and functional, and also, possibly, formal characteristics of the latter. An important eventuality that a comprehensive and inclusive eponymy description model should consider is the hierarchy of an eponym’s possible discursive contexts, i.e. the possibility of its use in a discourse type other than its original one. Regarding this, the author introduces the concept of inter- and intralinguistic contacts of discourses as linguistic-cultural modes as a framework in which discursive transpositions of eponyms should be elucidated, as well as such instances, in which an underlying proper noun is employed to coin an eponymic entity designed for the use in the discursive-functional environment other than its own. The author illustrated his theses with instances drawn from Ukrainian as well as some other languages, and in these, from the scientific, ideological, folklore, religious, mythological, folk, and everyday discursive varieties.

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Yermolenko, Serhiy, and Maria Ostapenko. "THEMATIC-IDEOGRAPHIC ASPECT OF DESCRIPTION AND ANALYSIS OF EPONYMY." Studia Linguistica, no.15 (2019): 53–65.

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The paper focuses on the thematic-ideographic aspect of eponymic derivation and, correspondingly, eponymic derivation relationship. Eponymy is a three-member structure which consists of an underlying proper name, a derived eponymic lexeme (or phraseme), and the language-internal as well as extralinguistic relationship between the underlying and derived entities. Eponyms are derived from proper names (or onoma propria). From the viewpoint of thematic-ideographic classification, eponyms are categorized into various groups, such as realonyms and mythonyms, in accordance with what is their real world status: realonyms denote real objects, whereas mythonym non-existent or fictitious ones. In the group of realonyms, such thematic-ideographic subclasses are distinguished as anthroponyms, ergonyms, ethnonyms, zoonyms, cosmonyms, toponyms, chrononyms and chrematonyms (indcluding ideonyms), and in mythonym group, mythological anthroponyms, ergonyms, ethnonyms, zoonyms and theonyms (including daemonyms), toponyms and chrematonyms. Various thematic-ideographic groups of proper names differ in the degree of their activity with respect to eponym formation. Illustrating this, the authors draw on relevant etymological and semantic data: each group of Ukrainian, English and French examples is provided with etymological and semantic information. They also consider the problem of the special status of chrononyms and ethnonyms as proper names. Their study shows that in the abovementioned languages, the most productive with respect to eponymic derivation are anthroponyms and toponyms, and the most unproductive, chronomyms and chrematonyms, No eponyms are found to derived from onomastic fitonyms. An important part of eponym study, thematic-ideographic and other, is so called source critique, something which is demonstrated by the analysis of some entries of Etymologic dictionary of the Ukrainian language (ESUM), The present paper and the materials it contains are of interest for general linguistic theory research in the field of the overall semantic and semiotic potential of the secondary use of proper names as a whole and their individual thematic-ideographic subclasses in particular.

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Pedro, Matheus Kahakura Franco, and Thiago Ferreira Simões De Souza. "“Stat Rosa Pristina Nomine, Nomina Nuda Tenemus”: The Many Syndromes, Diseases, and Anatomic Structures Bearing Jean-Martin Charcot’s Name." European Neurology 83, no.5 (2020): 550–53.

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The sheer magnitude of Jean-Martin Charcot’s contributions to neurology, pathology, psychiatry, and internal medicine has allowed for the common usage of eponyms bearing the master’s name in recognition of his work. However, these are so numerous that confusion has naturally arisen concerning the exact nature of each eponym, allowing for different specialists to refer to completely different ailments or symptoms, while using the very same expression. Previous compilations of his eponyms were often incomplete. Therefore, the authors aimed to bring some clarification into the nature and origin of each known eponym with Charcot’s name.

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Marnetti, Marnetti. "ANALISIS GAYA BAHASA DALAM SLOGAN LINGKUNGAN HIDUP." Madah: Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra 8, no.1 (December23, 2017): 87.

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan jenis-jenis slogan lingkungan hidup dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Data dalam penelitian ini adalah slogan-slogan lingkungan hidup yang diambil dari salah satu situs internet dengan judul “Pengertian dan 100 Contoh Slogan Lingkungan Hidup Terbaik” ( Data yang telah dikumpulkan kemudian dianalisis dengan menggunakan teori diksi, gaya bahasa, dan semantik sehingga akan terlihat jenis-jenis gaya bahasa dan makna yang terkandung dalam slogan tersebut. Setelah dianalisis, data diklasifikasikan berdasarkan jenis-jenis gaya bahasa dan makna yang terdapat dalam slogan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat empat puluh sembilan gaya bahasa sederhana, dua belas gaya bahasa repetisi, enam gaya bahasa paralelisme, satu gaya bahasa anastrof, tiga gaya bahasa asonansi, delapan gaya bahasa metonimia, tiga gaya bahasa personifikasi, satu gaya bahasa asindenton, tiga gaya bahasa percakapan, tiga gaya bahasa eponim, tiga gaya bahasa antitesis, empat gaya bahasa tidak resmi dan 1 gaya bahasa kiasmus. Makna yang terkandung dalam slogan lingkungan hidup adalah delapan puluh makna leksikal, sepuluh makna kias, dua makna asosiatif, dan dua makna ilokusi. Gaya bahasa yang paling banyak terdapat dalam slogan ini adalah gaya bahasa sederhana dan beberapa dari slogan tersebut menggunakan istilah asing.

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Mughofiroh, Iim, Indrya Mulyaningsih, and Itaristanti Itaristanti. "Analisis Gaya Bahasa dalam Berita Olahraga Kabar Cirebon." Bahasa: Jurnal Keilmuan Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia 1, no.3 (October1, 2019): 159–72.

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Seorang wartawan berita memiliki karakter yang berbeda-beda dalam menulis berita atau memilikiciri khas masing-masing dalam menulis berita. Penelitian ini menganalisis berita olahraga dari segibentuk dan makna gaya bahasa, serta bentuk dominan yang menjadi ciri khas dalam penulisan beritaolahraga Kabar Cirebon. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan penelitian kualitatif. Data padapenelitian ini bersumber dari Kabar Cirebon edisi November 2018. Penelitian ini menggunakanbeberapa tahapan analisis data, yaitu pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data, danpenarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan, bahwa terdapat 71 bentuk gaya bahasadalam berita olahraga Kabar Cirebon. Dalam hal ini, 71 bentuk gaya bahasa tersebut terdapat 13jenis gaya bahasa, yaitu satu bentuk gaya bahasa erotesis, satu bentuk gaya bahasa sinisme, satubentuk gaya bahasa eponim, satu bentuk gaya bahasa pleonasme, dua bentuk gaya bahasaantonomasia, satu bentuk gaya bahasa asindeton, lima bentuk gaya bahasa polisindeton, 14 bentukgaya bahasa sinekdoke, enam bentuk gaya bahasa epitet, lima bentuk gaya bahasa prolepsis, 17bentuk gaya bahasa metafora, empat bentuk gaya bahasa antiklimaks, dan 8 bentuk gaya bahasaklimaks. Makna yang terkandung dalam masing-masing bentuk gaya bahasa tersebut memilikimakna tersendiri dan berkaitan satu sama lain. Adapun bentuk gaya bahasa yang dominandigunakan dalam berita olahraga Kabar Cirebon yaitu bentuk gaya bahasa metafora.


Koshlakov, Dmitriy, Marina Khokhlova, Galina Tsareva, and Galina Garbuzova. "Eponyms in science terms (Epistemological aspect)." SHS Web of Conferences 72 (2019): 01016.

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The paper is devoted to eponyms used in scientific discourse. The concept of the eponym is borrowed from linguistic research. The term is understood from epistemological standpoint. It is stated that eponyms realize two functions in the language of science – cognitive and communicative. It is also stressed that to some extend eponyms connect two worlds – the world of ideas and the world of people, or, more specifically, the world of abstract concepts and the world of scientists, who study these abstract concepts. Historical examples (cases) demonstrating some features of functioning eponyms are given and discussed. The main historical example for the study is the history of discovering Lorentz’s transformations, which had a significant impact on forming the theory of special relativity. In addition, the paper gives the analysis of some other examples, in particular, related to such terms as Halley's comet, L'Hospital rule, Russell's paradox. It is noted that the fact of discovering some scientific object by one or another scientist in general is not the only reason for forming an eponym containing the name of this scientist. The formation of eponyms is influenced by many other factors, including social and political ones.

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Teive,HélioA.G., PlínioM.G.Lima, FranciscoM.B.Germiniani, and RenatoP.Munhoz. "What’s in a name? Problems, facts and controversies regarding neurological eponyms." Arquivos de Neuro-Psiquiatria 74, no.5 (May 2016): 423–25.

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ABSTRACT The use of eponyms in neurology remains controversial, and important questions have been raised about their appropriateness. Different approaches have been taken, with some eponyms being excluded, others replaced, and new ones being created. An example is Hallervorden-Spatz syndrome, which has been replaced by neurodegeneration with brain iron accuulatium (NBIA). Amiothoplic lateral sclerosys (ALS), for which the eponym is Charcot’s disease, has been replaced in the USA by Lou Gehrig’s disease. Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) is an eponym that is still the subject of controversy, and various different names are associated with it. Finally,restless legs syndrome (RLS), which was for years known as Ekbom’s syndrome, has been rechristened as RLS/Willis-Ekbom syndrome.

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Zheng, Jimmy, and CarlA.Gold. "Eponyms are here to stay." Neurology 94, no.6 (January2, 2020): 257–64.

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ObjectiveTo assess the historical trends of medical eponym use in neurology literature and knowledge and attitudes among current trainees related to eponyms.MethodsA comprehensive list of medical eponyms compiled from multiple online and print sources was queried against the titles and abstracts of PubMed articles authored by neurologists to assess historical prevalence in the literature from 1988 to 2013. We also surveyed current neurology trainees and trainees who have matched for residency in neurology, but not yet started neurology training, on their familiarity and attitudes toward eponyms.ResultsThe yearly prevalence of eponyms among neurologist-authored publications ranged from 15% and 25%, with a mean of 21%. The total number of unique eponyms appearing in titles and abstracts increased from 693 in 1988 to 1,076 in 2013, representing 1.8% average annual growth. Our survey showed that residents with at least 1 year of neurology training reported familiarity with significantly more eponyms than those before neurology training (p < 0.001). For familiar eponyms, most residents were either unaware of an alternative descriptor or preferred using the eponym. Despite recognizing both the benefits and drawbacks of eponyms, the vast majority of trainees stated that historical precedent, pervasiveness, and ease of use would drive the continued use of eponyms in neurology.ConclusionsEponyms will remain a cornerstone in medical education and communication moving forward. Educators in neurology should consider how best to integrate useful eponyms and alternative descriptors into residency training to enhance knowledge acquisition and retention.

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Ološtiak, Martin. "Proper name within the framework of nomination. The case of eponyms." Journal of Linguistics/Jazykovedný casopis 72, no.1 (June1, 2021): 80–100.

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Abstract The paper explores deonymic nomination, i.e. the formation of appellatives (eponyms) from proper names. By an eponym, any type of non-onymic unit formed from proper name is understood. The analysis is conducted using a database of 1,250 eponyms from Slovník slovenských eponym (Dictionary of Slovak Eponyms; Ološtiak et al., 2018) and a theory of lexical motivation as a methodological background is applied. From this viewpoint, formation of eponyms can be characterized as the loss of onymic motivation (onymic demotivation) and at the same time the acquisition of another type of motivation depending on the type of word-formation process (in a broader sense). In this regard, a word-formation process is understood as any way of coining a new lexeme (one-word unit, multiword expression, new meaning, abbreviation, borrowing etc.). Eponyms are frequently coined by derivation (word-formation motivation, e.g. Albert ‘Albert County (Canada)’ → albertit ‘albertite’, Heine → heineovský ‘of or relating to H. Heine’) and by semantic shift with no part-of-speech change (semantic motivation, e.g. Pascal → pascal). Other processes are rare: part-of-speech change with no shift in morphemics (morphological motivation, e.g. Ježiš (noun) ‘Jesus’→ ježiš (interjection) ‘Jesus, an expression of emotion – surprise, anger, shock etc.’), abbreviation (abbreviation motivation, e.g. Mikojan + Gurevič → mig ‘a military aircraft’). In Slovak, most of the eponyms are loanwords (97.4%), thus, a special position is occupied by interlingual motivation.

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NFN, Tamrin, and Nursyamsi NFN. "BENTUK, MAKNA, DAN FUNGSI GAYA BAHASA SEBAGAI CERMINAN KEARIFAN LOKAL BAHASA KAILI." Multilingual 19, no.2 (December19, 2020): 117–32.

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AbstrakKearifan lokal merupakan kecerdasan manusia yang dimiliki oleh kelompok etnik tertentu yang diperoleh melalui pengalaman masyarakat. Namun setakat ini, kearifan lokal tersebut seakan tenggelam tergerus oleh pengaruh budaya asing. Dengan mengungkapkan kearifan lokal pada ungkapan gaya bahasa dalam bahasa Kaili, penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan bentuk, fungsi, dan makna kearifan lokal dalam ungkapan gaya bahasa dalam bahasa Kaili. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penyediaan data, analisis data, dan penyajian hasil analisis. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa kearifan lokal dalam bentuk ungkapan gaya bahasa dalam bahasa Kaili yang dapat dijadikan sebagai keraifan lokal masyarakat Kaili adalah gaya bahasa berdasarkan makna seperti eufemisme, persamaan atau simile, metafora, personifikasi, eponim dan ironi. Fungsi dan makna dalam ungkapan gaya bahasa Kaili masih tetap relavan untuk dijadikan sebagai bentuk kearifan lokal oleh masyarakat etnik Kaili. Adapun fungsi gaya bahasa tersebut sebagai alat pengendali dan pengawas norma sosial, alat komunikasi, alat pengendali masyarakat, alat pendidikan anak, serta sarana pemeliharaan dan pemerkuat kerukunan antarummat beragama dan antaretnik. Makna ungkapan tersebut dijadiakan sebagai media kearifan lokal oleh orang tua, pemuka agama, tokoh masyarakat dalam menyampaikan nasihat, larangan, dan ajaran agama.AbstractLocal culture was human intelligence which was owned by ethnicity community which was gotten through society experiences but now, the local culture as if downing by effect of foreign culture. By using local culture in language style expression in kalinese language, this research purposed to describe form, meaning and function of local culture in expression of language style in kalinese language. The method which was used in this research was data provision of data, data analysis, and presentation of analysis result. The analysis result showed that local culture in language expression form in kailinese language which could be made as local culture of kailinese was language style based on its meaning, such as eufemisme, similarity or smile, metaphor, personification, eponym, and irony. Function and meaning in expression of kailinese language style still relevant to be made as form of local culture by kailinese ethnicity society. As for its function of language style as tool of controller and supervisor of social norm, tool of communication, tool of society controller, tool of child education, maintenance facilities and strengthen of harmony between religious society and between interethnic. That meaning was made as media of local culture by parents, religious leader, public figure in giving advice, forbidden and religious teaching.

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Evans,WilliamN. "The Blalock-Taussig shunt: the social history of an eponym." Cardiology in the Young 19, no.2 (April 2009): 119–28.

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AbstractCreating eponyms for surgical procedures or medical discoveries can be a simple objective process of attaching names of innovators. Some eponyms, however, have a controversial history. Undertaking the first systemic-to-pulmonary arterial shunt required the combined efforts of Helen Taussig, Vivien Thomas, and Alfred Blalock. In this review, I attempt to look beyond the mechanics of attributing the eponym to the larger social history surrounding the term.

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GupthaMunugoorBaskaran,L.N., P.J.Greco, and D.C.Kaelber. "Case Report Medical Eponyms." Applied Clinical Informatics 03, no.03 (2012): 349–55.

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SummaryMedical eponyms are medical words derived from people’s names. Eponyms, especially similar sounding eponyms, may be confusing to people trying to use them because the terms themselves do not contain physiologically descriptive words about the condition they refer to. Through the use of electronic health records (EHRs), embedded applied clinical informatics tools including synonyms and pick lists that include physiologically descriptive terms associated with any eponym appearing in the EHR can significantly enhance the correct use of medical eponyms. Here we describe a case example of two similar sounding medical eponyms – Wegener’s disease and Wegner’s disease – which were confused in our EHR. We describe our solution to address this specific example and our suggestions and accomplishments developing more generalized approaches to dealing with medical eponyms in EHRs. Integrating brief physiologically descriptive terms with medical eponyms provides an applied clinical informatics opportunity to improve patient care.

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Seliverstov,YuA., YuA.Shpilyukova, and S.N.Illarioshkin. "Are Some Eponyms in Neurology Used Correctly?" Russian neurological journal 25, no.3 (August14, 2020): 45–50.

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The article analyzes the origin and competence of using several eponyms widely known in neurology. It is shown that some of them are not used correctly. So, the alternates “Jakob–Creutzfeldt disease” and “Arnold– Chiari malformation” are more correct. The eponym “Steele–Richardson–Olszewski syndrome” should not be used as a synonym for progressive supranuclear palsy syndrome. The historical aspects and correct variants of the use of a number of other neurological eponyms are highlighted in the article.

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Hryn,V.H., N.L.Svintsytska, T.F.Deineha, V.P.Bilash, and O.V.Dubrovina. "EPONYMIC TERMS IN MORPHOLOGY OF HUMAN HEAD AND NECK STRUCTURES." Актуальні проблеми сучасної медицини: Вісник Української медичної стоматологічної академії 21, no.1 (March21, 2021): 114–22.

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Introduction. In the morphological sciences (human anatomy, clinical, topographic and pathological anatomy, histology, embryology, cytology, etc.), eponyms have been used for a long time. Experts apply eponymous terms, which contribute to the professional development of healthcare professionals, enrich their intellectual background, because an eponym comprises a piece of history and culture that have been created from the earliest times. Therefore, investigating eponyms in the medicine domain is of great cultural and professional importance. The purpose of this study is to elucidate the origin of eponyms relating to musculo-fascial structures of the human head and neck, and to obtain more information about the scientists whose names were given to certain terms through bibliographic analysis of the literature. Materials and methods. The methodology included general philosophical and general scientific research methods: dialectical, historical-chronological, bibliographic-descriptive, analytical, etc. Results and conclusions. The study of the eponymic terms contribute to the medical science by presenting the names of not only those scientists who are still remaining in the memory of grateful descendants, but also those who contributed to science, and then were undeservedly forgotten. Eponyms allow one to navigate the history of medical science, especially over the period of discoveries and detailed studies of anatomical structures. On the one hand, a certain national flavour of the subject is rendered by the eponym, on the other hand, one can conduct an important and necessary excursion into the history of medicine; also, unusual and non-standard eponyms can facilitate memorization of the subject.

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Handono, Pambajeng Yudo. "Gaya Bahasa Komentar Dalam Akun Instagram “Mimi Peri Rapunchelle”." Linguista: Jurnal Ilmiah Bahasa, Sastra, dan Pembelajarannya 2, no.2 (January9, 2019): 97.

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<p class="abstract"><span lang="EN-AU">Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui jenis gaya bahasa kiasan yang terkandung dalam komentar akun instagram Mimi Peri Rapunchelle (@mimi.peri). Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif. Data dalam penelitian ini adalah kata-kata, frasa, kalimat yang mencerminkan jenis gaya bahasa kiasan dalam komentar akun instagram @mimi.peri. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teknik dokumen. Instrumen penelitian ini adalah peneliti sendiri dan tabel kisi-kisi pengembangan instrument, instrument ini berfungsi untuk menjaring data (kata, kalimat, klausa) yang ada dalam sumber data. Teknik analisis data dalam penelitian ini adalah teknik analisis data kualitatif. Validitas data menggunakan teknik triangulasi teori. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan presentase gaya bahasa kiasan yang ditemukan adalah sebagai berikut. Gaya bahasa sarkasme sebanyak 29.5%, satire 14.5%, eponim 13.5%, simile 12.5%, antifrasis 8%, alusi 6%, antonomasia 5%, Epitet 4%, metafora 3.5%, metonimia 3%, personifikasi 2.5%, sinekdoke 2%, sinisme 2%, inuendo 1.5%, ironi 1.5%, hipalase 0.5%, pun atau paronomasia 0.5% dan alegori, parable, fabel 0% atau tidak ditemukan. Data-data tersebut menunjukkan bahwa gaya bahasa yang paling dominan adalah sarkasme yang berarti para warganet merasa tidak suka dengan postingan Mimi Peri, karena saat berkomentar pengguna instagram cenderung menggunakan bahasa kasar dan bermakna negatif seperti celaan, cacian, makian dan hinaan sehingga komentar lebih mengarah pada hate speech atau dikenal dengan ujaran kebencian.</span></p>

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Slabin, Uladzimir, and Vasili Krasitski. "FOR HUMANIZATION AND HISTORICISM: HOW WELL UNIVERSITY STUDENTS KNOW AND WHAT THEY THINK ABOUT CHEMICAL EPONYMS." Journal of Baltic Science Education 16, no.2 (April25, 2017): 250–65.

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Chemical eponyms possess important didactic and axiological potential that can be utilized for implementation of the principles of humanization and historicism manifested in national educational standards. This study focused on students’ knowledge and views of eponyms in the light of history of science. 22 general chemistry students of Belarusian State University, 131 students of general and 119 students of organic chemistry of University of Oregon, all different majors, were surveyed on their knowledge and views of eponyms using a 24-item online questionnaire. Mann-Whitney coefficients were calculated to establish significant differences and Pearson chi-square test was applied to find correlations. It was found that students’ knowledge and views of eponyms are defined mostly by major: students majoring in teaching chemistry showed higher knowledge and expressed more positive views of eponyms than those majoring in non-teaching, non-chemistry and especially non-science. Other factors include students’ learning experience and study intensiveness. While didactic potential of eponyms is utilized anyway, utilization of their axiological potential depends on instructor’s willingness and mastery and should not be exaggerated as vehicles for the principles of humanization and historicism. Keywords: chemical education, chemical eponym, named reaction, humanization, historicism, history of science.

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Kulikova,O.I., and B.B.Abdusalamov. "ON THE PRINCIPLE OF THE MECHANISM OF ETHNIC GENEALOGY OF THE KHAZAR KING JOSEPH’S LETTER." History, Archeology and Ethnography of the Caucasus 13, no.2 (June15, 2017): 23–32.

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Interpretation of almost all the eponyms of Khazar King Joseph’s ethnic genealogy causes considerable difficulties. In this regard, O.A.Mudrak’s etymologization of these eponyms as well as the suggested principle of the mechanism of ethnic genealogy is of great interest. According to this researcher, all groups of the Khazar Khaganate population are presented in it, and presentation of their eponyms is given from west to east. However, this point of view provokes the following objections. Firstly, the given principle is clearly excessive for the letter of King Joseph, since all the main groups of the population of the Khazar Khaganate are presented in his list of the tributaries. Secondly, if the principle of the mechanism of O.A.Mudrak’s genealogy were observed, the eponym Khazar would not be in the seventh place, but in the first, or at least in the second place, after the descendants of the western Turks (they were probably Burtas). It follows that this genealogy is based on a quite different principle. We have proved a different interpretation of its mechanism: seniority of the eponyms presented in the genealogy is related to the degree of antiquity of the corresponding peoples, and some of these peoples had vanished into history by the 10th century. In the genealogy, these peoples might be, for example, the Huns, Goths or Avars. Of considerable interest is the fact that the eponym Bersil traces its origin to the proto-Nakh *borze-lvej “wolf”. In our opinion, this etymology can be supported by the following argument: one of the names of Khazaria - Arkan - can be etymologized according to the ancient Iranian languages as “wolves” (or “Wolves’ country”, cf. Scythian-Sarmatian varka “wolf”). This fact allows us to consider O.A. Mudrak’s etymology of the ethnonym Bersil as very promising. Keywords : Khazar king Joseph’s letter, ethnic genealogy, Khazar Khaganate, O.A. Mudrak.

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Mykulchyk, Roman. "Motivation of Physical Eponimic Terms." Terminological Bulletin, no.4 (2017): 161–67.

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Eponimic terms are an integral part of scientific terminology. Their research take an important place among modern problems of terminology. Eponyms – terms. which include the names or surnames of persons or their derivatives, that became special language unit. World scientific (including natural sciences) community for centuries follows the tradition perpetuate the names of the greatest scientists and inventors in terms. Such terms automatically become internationalized, every language adapts them to its structure inherent in her way and the inherent model. In linguistics there is no consensus about what name implies – anthroponys or other names – can be the basis for the creation of the term, eponyms (or be a term derived from proper names). As a special name may derive from anthroponyms, mythonyms, theonyms, ethnonyms, kosmonyms. Research in terminology argue that the main condition for the creation of terms is presence-anthroponymy historical mention of the existence of any of those persons whose names underlying the creation of eponyms. The motivation plays a prominent role in term building. It should be considered as one of the elements that ensure consistency of terminology. This quantitative and qualitative characteristics of internal form that genetically inherent in any terminololgical unit. Not being one of the main criteria for evaluation of the term, it helps him remember, facilitates linkages with other terms. The question of motivation eponimic physical terms in Ukrainian linguistics has not raised. According to many scientists, such important question as motivation needs particular attention. Eponyms are associative terms, allocated by type of motivation. The motivation is expressed indirectly, through various kinds of associations. The proper names (or family components) plays role of recognizing components for eponymic terms. The motivation is an important feature of terms. In linguistic science there is no unambiguous interpretation of this concept. Physical eponimic terms are motivated. One of their motivators are exactly eponyms (name or suename of the scientist from which it was formed). These terms have different degrees of motivation regarding their exactly eponyms. For simple eponyms motivation is characterized by a mediate and immediate degree, for complex and compound – mediate and immediate degrees. Motivation of physical eponymous terms is associative. Of course, motivation requires further research in linguistics as well as in terminology and, first off all, creating a consistent unified theory of motivation

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Koriachkin,ViktorA. "Eponyms in regional anesthesia." Regional Anesthesia and Acute Pain Management 14, no.4 (December8, 2020): 174–75.

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The paper discusses the use of eponymous terminology in regional anesthesia. An eponym is the name of a method or any phenomenon that is used in anesthetic practice. Eponymous terms are an integral part of medical terminologies used in various specialties, as they contribute to a deeper understanding of the doctors activities. The paper discussed the difficulties of professional mastering of medical eponymous vocabulary. In conclusion, eponyms are the most important means of professional communication between anesthesiologists.

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Batigália,F., N.Boer, G.Marcatto, G.Marcatto, and A.Boer. "Applicability and critical analysis of the use of eponyms in Health Sciences." Journal of Morphological Sciences 32, no.04 (October 2015): 264–66.

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Abstract Introduction: Specific words have been adopted to designate the several structures in Human Anatomy. However, the same structure has different names, usually derived from proper names (or Eponyms), which is still reflected in conceptual errors that complicate the Teaching and Learning of Anatomy in Multidisciplinary, Transdisciplinarity and Metadisciplinarity approaches. Within the current importance of the generalist, critical and humanistic background of the professional, the multiplicity of names of scientists and researchers attributed to anatomical structures has created real difficulties during the preparation, writing and reading of scientific papers, including the communication between Researchers and Professors. Objective: The aim of this study was to critically analyze the use of eponyms in Health Sciences, as well as compiling the eleven mains terms in which the same eponym has been used to identify at least two different structures. Results: Eponyms are not representatives of the irst anatomists to describe structures or indicate some topographic, morphological or functional aspects associated with parts of the Human Body, and so must be replaced with a location, descriptive or etiological terminology that facilitates the structural understanding. Conclusion: Because of its clinical importance, eponyms will not completely disappear, but due to discrepancies and secondary confusions to its use, there have been many suggestions and impositions of anatomical societies to minimize their use.

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Guz, Marzena. "Obszary tematyczne eponimów pochodzenia francuskiego w języku polskim." Białostockie Archiwum Językowe, no.10 (2010): 91–101.

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This article discusses eponyms (name words) of French origin in the Polish language, found in Słownik eponimów czyli wyrazów odimiennych [Dictionary of Eponyms, i.e. Name Words] by Władysław Kopaliński. There are enough of such words in Kopaliński’s dictionary to assign them to certain thematic areas, which is covered in this work. Analysis of the accumulated material shows that the largest thematic areas represented in the dictionary include physics, chemistry, botany, religion, gastronomy, fabrics, clothing and additions, culture in its broad sense (theatre, literature, music, printing, dance, archaeology). Eponyms derived from the names of literary characters also account for a considerable group of such words. Such groups as politics, technology and devices, geology, medicine, military, industry, furniture and animals contribute only a few words each. Among the analysed eponyms, there are several which are parts of set phrases. Around a dozen have not been assigned to any of the thematic areas.

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The paper discusses proverbial collocations with names (e.g., English the sword of Damocles) as a possible object of research on eponymy. The author differentiates these collocations from phrasal eponyms that are scientific and technical terms (e.g. Achilles tendon) or composite proper names (e.g., Ukrainian бульвар Шевченка), in that they are derived semantically from phrases initially found in cultural texts, essentially in the same way antonomastic eponyms are semantically derived from underlying proper names. In both cases a cultural name operates as a key constituent of inner form, expressing some general meaning conveyed by cultural texts in which such names originally appeared and with which they came to be associated. Employing modern approaches to categorization in logic, mathematics, cognitive psychology, and linguistics, he argues that proper names, too, should be considered a natural rather than strictly logical category. In his opinion, collocations with cultural names, along with some other classes of linguistic items, should be considered the periphery of the category of proper names that should be taken into account in eponymy research. With these collocations, as with antonomastic eponyms, an underlying proper name determines not only their generalized cultural sense, but also the way this sense is expressed by referring to the unique object or person operating as its symbol. The importance of including these collocations to the proper name category’s periphery transcends the establishing of their systemic status, since cultural names in them, like those from which antonomastic eponyms are derived, are a major asset for socio- and linguistic-cultural studies, highlighting key concepts of a society’s culture as well as their origins and evolution.

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Bloch, Yigal. "The Conquest Eponyms of Šamšī-Adad I and the Kaneš Eponym List." Journal of Near Eastern Studies 73, no.2 (October 2014): 191–210.

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Zolotov,AleksandrS., PavelA.Berezin, and Il’yaS.Sidorenko. "Mallet Fracture: I.F. Busch Fracture, W. Busch Fracture or P. Segond Fracture?" Traumatology and Orthopedics of Russia 27, no.3 (October28, 2021): 143–48.

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Background. For several centuries, eponyms have been a convenient means of communication between clinicians. For some eponyms among modern surgeons, controversy over authors priority continues. There is still no consensus on the so-called mallet fracture. In domestic and foreign literature, there are several authors names for this fracture I.F. Bush fracture, W. Busch fracture, P. Segond fracture. The aim of the study is to collect the most reliable information about the history of the eponym of avulsion of the distal phalanx of the fingers at the site of attachment of the extensor tendon, the so-called mallet fracture, to determine and prove the priority of the true author of the eponym. Materials and Methods. A search for information was carried out in domestic and foreign publications, manuals on traumatology and orthopedics, periodicals, Internet resources (eLIBRARY, PubMed, Scholar Google). Results. The list of likely authors of mallet fracture includes three surgeons: Ivan F. Busch (17711843, Russia), Paul Ferdinand Segond (18511912, France), Karl David Wilhelm Busch (18261881, Germany). When analyzing primary sources, it was found that for the first time mallet fracture was described by the French surgeon Paul Ferdinand Segond in 1880. This fact was also recognized by the German surgeon W. Busch, who a year later published an article on this damage. In the well-known Guide to the Teaching of Surgery by Ivan F. Bush, published in the early 19th century, information about a fracture of the distal phalanx of the finger at the site of attachment of the extensor tendon was not found. Conclusion. Taking into account the publications known to date, mallet fracture should be called the Segond fracture.

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Kucharz, Eugeniusz Józef. "MEDICAL EPONYMS OF MYTHOLOGICAL ORIGIN." Acta Neophilologica 2, no.XIX (December1, 2017): 29–42.

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Eponyms account for a significant part of medical terminology. Their number isestimated to be a few thousands. Almost all of them are anthroponyms and were coinedfrom names of authors describing a disease, symptom, sign, etc. A small portion of medicaleponyms are mythonyms, coined from names of mythological figures or creatures.Mythonyms are classified into anatomical, physiological, pathological, psychiatricand psychological groups. Two mythonyms describe the name of one medical specialty(hygiene and venereology). Mythonyms were coined from late Renaissance to the 19thcentury. Their relationship to a mythological figure is usually complex. Anatomicalmythonyms are referring shapes of mythological creatures. Other mythonyms referto stories or special features of mythological figures. The paper reviews more than30 mythonyms, and describes their medical meaning, mythological origin and possiblerelation between the mythological figure and eponym.

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Damulin,IgorV. "The ethics and medicine: certain little known pages of history of the Third Reich and USA." Medical Journal of the Russian Federation 23, no.1 (February15, 2017): 52–56.

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The article considers destinies of medics residing in Nazi Germany and invaded countries. They took no participation in resistance but they were annihilated mainly in ghettos and concentration camps. The particular attention is paid to physicians, including the field of neurological sciences, left memories of themselves in the form of eponym names. These eponyms are to be applied in practical activities. The information is cited concerning inhuman programs of sterilization and euthanasia existed in Nazi Germany. It is emphasized that these programs occurred not in empty place because background of their development existed before Nazi came into power and the uSA included. And at that, experiments with prisoners continued to be implemented in the uSA even after the Second world war. The article draws attention to the importance of ethic aspects in activities of medics.

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E.A.,Dolzhich, and DmitrichenkovaS.V. "ANTHROPONYMIC STRUCTURE OF ACADEMIC DISCOURSE." Humanities & Social Sciences Reviews 8, no.4 (July23, 2020): 315–24.

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Purpose of the study: The article aims to study the anthroponymy structure of academic discourse based on the material of astronautical corpora. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve a number of specific tasks: to define the terms “anthroponym” and “eponym”, to reveal the structural types of astronautical eponyms, and to identify the functional significance of anthroponyms and eponyms. Methodology: The method of componential analysis and the descriptive method have been used as the primary research methods applying such techniques as observation, comparison, interpretation, and generalization. The methodological basis of the research includes discourse theory, the theory of precedence, achievements of cognitive linguistics, and studies on problems of terminology. Main findings: The authors propose to consider anthroponyms and eponymous terms as precedents, which are points of reference in the change of the scientific paradigm, help to systematize scientific knowledge, and navigate in its fund. The results of the study suggest that the anthroponymy structure of academic discourse provides information compression that makes the text concise without reducing information and performs a memorial function. Applications of this study: The research attempts to contribute to the further study of the academic discourse structure and the analytical description of its components using a cognitive-pragmatic approach. Higher education teachers can use the results of the article in lectures on the theory of academic discourse. Novelty/originality of this study: Few researchers have addressed astronautical academic discourse, investigating its structural and functional features. This study is the first to analyze the astronautical eponyms as super compressed signs of the precedent research.

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Slabin,U.K. "Knowledge and Perception of Eponyms in Chemistry by University Students in Belarus and the United States." Education and science journal 21, no.7 (September11, 2019): 113–42.

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Introduction. The didactic principle of education-in-studies is one of the most important instruments of quality education at all levels. Compliance with this principle enhances the results of methodological means educators choose. A positive example is considered a widely recognised and effective method of education and upbringing. As such examples, in education it is recommended to use personal and scientific biographies of scholars whose names became a part of scientific eponyms – terms meaning phenomena, laws, theories, inventions, etc. derived from the names of their originators. Eponyms are researched from the prospective of many sciences, including pedagogy. According to the principles of humanisation and historicism declared in governmental documents on education, eponyms can be utilised as means of upbringing while studying natural and other disciplines. However, the research data about this role of eponyms are scarce. In particular, it is unknown how students perceive this component of language and if there is a difference in perception between school and university students. This gap in methodology and teaching technique applies to a number of disciplines including chemistry.The aims of this research publication were to study attitudes of university students in two countries – Belarus and the USA – to chemical eponyms, and to identify correlations between their reflective cognition and solid knowledge of the future professionals.Methodology and research methods. A 27-item questionnaire with different types of answers was developed by the author of the present research. The questionnaire was administered via the Internet for the survey of students at University of Oregon and Belarusian State University. Analysis of the data collected was done in IBM® SPSS® package using descriptive (mean, standard deviation, variance) and inferential (Mann–Whitney and Pearson tests) statistics.Results and scientific novelty. The survey showed that students in both countries recognise chemical eponyms by association better than by their content. Belarusian respondents exhibited a bit higher level of eponym knowledge than American respondents, which is explained by populations (the former one had more chemistry majors), timing and duration of chemistry courses. Recognition of chemical eponyms differs; it is promoted by their repeatability, uniqueness, and phoneticity. The majority of students in both countries perceive eponyms non-reflexively, and the students’ attitude towards eponyms is mostly uncertain. It was found that the determinant factor for good knowledge and reflective positive attitude towards eponyms is the student’s motivation for learning. This motivation, in turn, is determined by the chosen major. Naturally, the profile majors “Chemistry” and “Chemistry Teaching” motivate students the most. It has been concluded that on the one hand, for implementation of the humanisation and historicism principles, one should not rely exclusively on eponyms. To avoid mistakes, one should keep a systemic approach that implies a set of pedagogical means and methods. On the other hand, systematic, regular work with chemical eponyms helps to get an in-depth understanding of chemical phenomena and to get the chemical theory-and-practice synthesis quick and balanced. Unfortunately, less and less attention is paid in educational literature to both eponyms and scholar personalities as their sources, and that is fundamentally wrong.Practical significance. The research materials and the results obtained in this research will be useful for teachers and instructors of chemistry in the development of lessons, lectures, seminars and laboratory classes as well as in writing tutorials and textbooks.

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Ortega-Evangelio, Graciela, Jose Juan Alcon, Julio Alvarez-Pitti, Vicente Sebastia, Maria Juncos, and Empar Lurbe. "Eponym." European Journal of Pediatrics 170, no.8 (May24, 2011): 965–68.

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Takeda, Atsuhito, Akira Sudo, Masafumi Yamada, Hirokuni Yamazawa, Gaku Izumi, Ichizo Nishino, and Tadashi Ariga. "Eponym." European Journal of Pediatrics 170, no.11 (September23, 2011): 1365–67.

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Fretzayas, Andrew, Maria Moustaki, Olga Liapi, and Themistocles Karpathios. "Eponym." European Journal of Pediatrics 171, no.1 (December9, 2011): 11–15.

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Vargiami,EfthimiaG., and D.I.Zafeiriou. "Eponym." European Journal of Pediatrics 169, no.4 (January28, 2010): 411–14.

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Mastrangelo, Mario, Rosanna Mariani, and Alessandra Menichella. "Eponym." European Journal of Pediatrics 169, no.8 (February23, 2010): 919–24.

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Aytekin, Caner, Manuela Germeshausen, Nilden Tuygun, Gonul Tanir, Figen Dogu, and Aydan Ikinciogullari. "Eponym." European Journal of Pediatrics 169, no.6 (February18, 2010): 657–60.

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Midyat, Levent, Esen Demir, Memnune Aşkın, Figen Gülen, Zülal Ülger, Remziye Tanaç, and Selen Bayraktaroğlu. "Eponym." European Journal of Pediatrics 169, no.10 (March12, 2010): 1171–77.

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Kim, Mi Jin, and Yon Ho Choe. "EPONYM." European Journal of Pediatrics 169, no.12 (May6, 2010): 1439–44.

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Rezaei, Nima, Mozhgan Sabbaghian, Zhifeng Liu, and Martin Zenker. "Eponym." European Journal of Pediatrics 170, no.2 (June17, 2010): 179–83.

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Engkakul, Pontipa, Pat Mahachoklertwattana, and Preamrudee Poomthavorn. "Eponym." European Journal of Pediatrics 170, no.4 (October1, 2010): 427–31.

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Dalgıc, Buket, Aysegul Bukulmez, and Sinan Sarı. "Eponym." European Journal of Pediatrics 170, no.6 (December17, 2010): 689–91.

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Filley,ChristopherM. "What's In A Name? Neurological Eponyms, Peter J. Koehler, George W. Bruyn, and John M.S. Pearce. (Eds.). 2000. New York: Oxford University Press. 386 pp., $59.95." Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society 8, no.6 (September 2002): 868.

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Neurology, like many disciplines in medicine and science, has had a penchant for naming many of its discoveries after their discoverers. This tendency became especially evident in the early 20th century, for example, when the practice of neurology was essentially confined to bedside diagnosis, and dozens of pathological reflexes, many now largely forgotten, came to be recognized by the names of the neurologists who popularized them. Such eponymic zeal has engendered controversy, however, as some have argued that it is more “scientific” to apply purely descriptive labels to neurologic phenomena. This book clearly supports retaining the use of eponyms in neurology, both because of the inescapable familiarity that many of these terms have acquired, and for the importance of the person behind the eponym. The result is a useful and readable compendium of selected neurologic information, along with a substantial amount of detail on the history of neurology.

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Steel,B.J. "Eponym confusion." British Dental Journal 229, no.6 (September 2020): 327–28.

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Lanska,DouglasJ. "Clarence J. Gibbs Effect and the “Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease” Eponym." Neurology 97, no.4 (May13, 2021): 181–87.

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In 2014, American neurologist and Nobel laureate Stanley Prusiner reported that microbiologist Clarence Joseph Gibbs at the US NIH had intentionally, systematically, and mischievously used the eponym Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, rather than Jakob-Creutzfeldt disease, because of the correspondence with Gibbs' own initials, to imply “Clarence Joseph disease.” The present study examines temporal trends in the use of “Creutzfeldt-Jakob” and “Jakob-Creutzfeldt” in scientific articles and monographs from 1946 to 2019 to assess whether there was a “Clarence J. Gibbs effect” that influenced the general use of a specific eponym by the scientific community. During Gibbs' period of publication on Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD), there was an abrupt, dramatic, and steady increase in use of the CJD eponym while use of the Jakob-Creutzfeldt disease (JCD) eponym remained at a low level. In the period after Gibbs ceased to publish, there was a corresponding marked fall-off in use of the CJD eponym. Surviving collaborators thought Gibbs may have been joking, but in 1991 Gibbs had admitted what Prusiner reported. Regardless of motive, Gibbs strongly influenced the preferred eponym for this human prion disease by (1) publishing a seminal and highly referenced initial article in a high-profile journal; (2) sustained output of further important studies published in high-quality journals over more than 30 years; (3) professional affiliation with an esteemed national laboratory where he worked with a large number of high-profile colleagues; and (4) extensive collaborations with a large number of colleagues, who published multiple further articles using the eponym Gibbs preferred.

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Zdilla,MatthewJ. "The Hand of Sabazios: Evidence of Dupuytren’s Disease in Antiquity and the Origin of the Hand of Benediction." Journal of Hand Surgery (Asian-Pacific Volume) 22, no.03 (August4, 2017): 403–10.

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Dupuytren’s disease gained its eponym from the surgeon Baron Guillaume Dupuytren (1777-1835). However, the terms “Cline’s contracture” and “Cooper’s contracture,” named after the two surgeons who proposed the treatment for the palmar contractures prior to Dupuytren, have also been used to describe the disease. In addition to the eponyms attributed to these three surgeons, a number of other appellations with interesting provenance exist for Dupuytren’s disease including the “Curse of the MacCrimmons,” “Celtic hand,” “Viking’s disease,” and the “Hand of Benediction.” These terms all have interesting provenance; however, contention exists with regard to the appropriateness of their coinage. Of these terms, the “Hand of Benediction” is based upon the oldest history, supposedly thought to be a result of an early Pope afflicted with Dupuytren’s disease. This report suggests that Dupuytren’s disease was recorded in history prior Christianity, the Vikings, as well as Dupuytren, Cline, and Cooper. Nearly 100 votive “Hand of Sabazios” artifacts from Antiquity appear to document Dupuytren’s disease via sculpture. The report posits that Dupuytren’s disease may have been represented by the “Hand of Sabazios,” subsequently inspiring the “Hand of Benediction” and “Hand of God” that has permeated Christian art and culture for thousands of years.

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Tashima,CharlesK. "The Carney Eponym." Mayo Clinic Proceedings 74, no.10 (October 1999): 1052.

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Tashima,CharlesK. "The Carney Eponym." Mayo Clinic Proceedings 74, no.10 (October 1999): 1052.

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Carney,J.Aidan. "The Carney Eponym." Mayo Clinic Proceedings 74, no.10 (October 1999): 1052.

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Author: Jamar Nader

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Views: 5255

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Reviews: 94% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Jamar Nader

Birthday: 1995-02-28

Address: Apt. 536 6162 Reichel Greens, Port Zackaryside, CT 22682-9804

Phone: +9958384818317

Job: IT Representative

Hobby: Scrapbooking, Hiking, Hunting, Kite flying, Blacksmithing, Video gaming, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Jamar Nader, I am a fine, shiny, colorful, bright, nice, perfect, curious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.